Photo of Susana Cuña Uruguay

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I'm an Uruguayan born in the town of Rivera (Uruguay). I live in the capital, Montevideo from seven years. Interesel I always drawing and painting, but a few years ago I could devote to it. Today it has become another of my passions. Working in a library has influenced my decision to take the brushes, to travs of literature and art history. My favorite subjects are the land and its people and try to express in my...

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15.75 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
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Photo of Susana Cuña Uruguay

I'm an Uruguayan born in the town of Rivera (Uruguay). I live in the capital, Montevideo from seven years. Interesel I always drawing and painting, but a few years ago I could devote to it. Today it has become another of my passions. Working in a library has influenced my decision to take the brushes, to travs of literature and art history. My favorite subjects are the land and its people and try to express in my paintings all the wealth of Uruguayan culture and customs, as pintars paint your village and the world in the words of Tolstoy. I've been inluenciada by the work of our artists: Pedro Figari, Juan M. Blanes, Caramel Arzadum, JosCneo and other great and universal as Van Gogh, Gauguin. Dalya admire Frida Kahlo and others contemporary. My style is figurative for now. Also painted on ceramics, helping my husband to decorate their pieces, activity that I am trying to perfect. My profession is ARCHIVLOGA race at the University of Rpca. Bibliotecologay Univ-School-Related Sciences graduate on 10/04/1993. "I am LICENSED IN Librarian race at the same school graduate on 30.06.2003. Extracurricular courses I have done several of both races. Perform it in 2003 ADVANCED COURSE OPERATOR PC. DRAWING AND PAINTING I Job in University College from 2005 Figari. Aprob2do dated 2006. year. The first part 9.9.005 Salon Visual Arts National Cultural Center Dr. Pedro Figari at UTU 2007. Drawing and painting classes at the studio of painter Sisto Pascale (, since 2007. Participant 60 Anniversary Painting Competition ISUS. 100 Anniversary Contest participant of the Naval Club. Show at Tres Cruces in 2008 with the workshop.

SCHOLARSHIP. 6-C Course XVIII IBEROAMERICA SCHOOL FILES (09/29 to 11/28/2008 held in Alcalde Henares, Madrid) .- Sponsored by the Culture of Spain dated 28.11.008. During my stay in Madrid I visited the triangle of art among which underlined my visit to the Museo del Prado, Reina Sofay to Thyzen Bornemitza. Visitadems the Sorolla museum house, the Fine Arts of San Fernando and the Sephardic Museum in Toledo vel. These visits have strengthened my artistic inspiration to the original view that are the heritage of humanity.


A volcano shaped our energy to the world. The art is physical, and spiritual metaphysics. It allows us to see the world through our optics, to transcend few and places, and make this world a more beautiful. We can not explain the art, only perceive a vision travs travs and our emotions, feelings of any kind, least of indifference. Freshly start to walk in this wonderful world that is art, which I do not want to deviate. I want to share my world with me seen through my palette. I hope not to disappoint. Thank you for bothering to see my humble but sincere work.

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